Winter Barbeque Tips

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | December 8th, 2016


In Louisiana, summer stays late and comes back early, making it the perfect playground for backyard barbeques.  Even in the south temperatures can dip, so we have some tips to keep your barbecue smoking all year ‘round.

  • Plan ahead: have everything you need ready to go: brushes, trays, grill mitts, tongs, etc.
  • Even if it’s still warm outside, the sun sets early. Prep all your foods indoors first.
  • Use a timer and lift the lid as little as possible. Opening the lid frequently extends the cooking time.
  • Have extra fuel (charcoal or propane) on hand. Grills typically require more fuel in the colder months.

Dedicated southern barbeque chefs know the importance of having a great set up, and the folks at Advanced Fabrication, Inc. can help you create the custom outdoor barbeque of your dreams.

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